I started camping in my 20’s and 30’s tent style then I quit camping because I focused on work. I purchased a vintage Scotty trailer in my 50’s. As I prepared for retirement in my 60’s, I knew I wanted to travel cross country, so I upgraded to a Class C motor home.
What type of RV do you have?
2016 Forrest River 24’ diesel Class C motorhome.
How do you describe your “Camp Style”?
I travel nonstop March-November, so I need an RV that can serve as my tiny home. “Runaway RayRay” has a National/State Park style theme with Southwest touches. It all started with a Glacier Pendleton blanket and a cowhide I had and it went from there!
What concept or elements influence your style?
I knew when I purchased my showroom RV it needed some personal touches. As with many new models, they almost look like a hotel room, very polyester and neutral. What I learned from my previous decorating of my vintage camper, I no longer yearned for the frills of a crystal chandelier (yes, it had one!) lacey curtains and pink quilts. I decided to go in a completely different direction. All the décors have been picked up along my travels. Therefore, it is filled with wonderful memories I can reflect on while traveling. Runaway RayRay’s next DIY project will be to add shiplap sometime in 2021.
Have you made any style mistakes, and if so, what did you learn?
This is not a mistake, it’s a Camp Style reality: the drawback to “glamping” is the extra time it might take to set up all of the accessories. For me, the extra time is well worth the feeling of coziness and happy memories.
What advice or encouragement can you offer Girl Campers who are developing their camp style?
When trying to decide how to decorate, pay attention to things that grab your attention. Look at what you already have at home and find ways to incorporate your favorites into your camper – unless you want your camper to be completely different from your home. Another great resource for inspiration is Girl Camper Magazine! As you look at all the different camp styles posted in the Girl Camper fb group, pay attention to ideas that make you smile and make your heart beat just a little faster!
Join Reyma for a video tour of her Class C:
Many thanks to Rayma Waters, our Ohio Girl Camper Chapter Guide, for sharing her tiny home on wheels with us!