Event Save the Dates 2024

Jul 8, 2023 | 0 comments

By Lisa Dempsey

Did you know it takes an average of nine to twelve months to plan an event for Girl Camper? I am Lisa Dempsey, your Southeast Texas Chapter guide. I have been busy putting together 2024’s spring calendar, and it is shaping up to be full of fun. Straightaway, I will give you the event dates here so you can mark your calendars. Watch the social media pages for updates when the event goes live so you can register to attend. Follow the Facebook page @girlcampersoutheasttexas, and request to join the private group @girlcampersoutheasttexas and pin it to the top of your groups so you will be up to date.

How to Access Events on Girl Camper

Subsequently, while you are waiting for the events to post on the GirlCamper.com events page, make sure you have completed the “Safety Vetting” process. “Safety Vetting” is a simple registration process. You will pay a one-time fee of ten dollars to Girl Camper. A member of the Girl Camper team reviews each registration request to verify that you are a “real female person” and not an online bot or a troll It is not a background check.  

Afterward, once you have been “vetted,” you can see the details for every Girl Camper event and register to attend. A Girl Camper Guide or Hostess designs and plans each event. The fees for each event are paid directly to the guide/hostess or as otherwise directed in the event registration instructions.  When you see “Pay Onsite,” that means pay the guide/hostess at the time of registration.

Tickets and Event Fees

Meanwhile, as a Chapter Guide, I must pay any deposits or reservation fees required in advance to set up an event. Here is one example. In 2023, to reserve the sites I needed for Paddle Camp at Village Creek, I had to prepay for all of the sites for the three nights we would be camping and the pavilion reservation fees. It was over $1500 out of my pocket until each camper paid the event fee. Thankfully, I filled this event, and I covered my expenses.   

Furthermore, I purchase the items needed from specialized equipment, tour tickets, swag, game prizes, and food and reimburse myself for the event fees collected. I also attempt to cover my individual camping travel expenses with the money I gather from the event fee.  

With this in mind, please immediately pay your event fees when registering. If you need to cancel your reservation, please email your guide/hostess as soon as possible for instructions.  

Finally, without further adieu, here are the current upcoming events for 2024 for Girl Camper Southeast Texas!

Save the Dates for 2024 Upcoming Events

kayaks on a riverbed of all colors and a photo of Girl Camper Lisa Dempsey with text that save the event date for Paddle and Play
Matagorda County, TX – On the Colorado River
Save the Date for Peggy and Tony Barthel Camper College hosted by Lisa Dempsey and Girl Camper Event
Port O’Connor, TX – Gulf Coast
A steam engine train is on the rails through a dogwood tree forest.
Palestine & Rusk, TX
Fentress, TX, on the San Marcos River

Lisa Dempsey is the Southeast Texas Chapter Guide for Girl Camper. She lives in Kingwood, Texas, with her husband Robert, two fluffy Cardigan Welsh Corgis, and her teenage son. In addition to being a guide, Lisa is the CEO and Founder of the Forgotten Wishes Foundation, whose mission is to help people with disabilities combat feelings of loneliness and isolation and create a society of belonging.

Girl Camper is a women’s lifestyle brand focusing on camping, outdoor activities, camaraderie, and travel. Our national company produces the award-winning Girl Camper Magazine, has a website with informative and fun blog posts, hosts events and excursions, and maintains national and local social network communities on Facebook. Search for Girl Camper on Facebook and find your local chapter.


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