4-H Summer Camp

Dec 8, 2021 | 0 comments

Not only is Georgia providing camping for adult experiences.  They also create lifetime memories for children over a normal summer.  I know many of you still have children at home and if they are bored and desire to be around kids more their age. More than 8,000 youth ages 9 to 18, travel to 4-H centers and are accompanied by more than 1,000 adult and teen leaders. They come to camp for an encounter and connection of a lifetime, that will be remembered and cherished for years to come. 


Fun is key, adventure is a must, and friendships are for life!  Every camp seeks to develop the camper’s Head, Heart, Hands and Health to make him or her a better person. Rock Eagle 4-H is the world’s largest 4-H Center and provides campers with an array of workshops and hands-on experiences that make learning fun.


Of course, it goes without saying that many things that were normal in during the summer of 2019 would come with a magnitude of disappointment due to COVID-19.   Canceling summer camp, was difficult, however, necessary to the safety of all.  Today, Georgia 4-H is excited to announce that summer camp will be returning in 2021. Georgia 4-H remains committed to providing summer camp experience and has developed health and safety plans to provide a great week of camp for youth while COVID-19 restrictions remain in effect. 

A typical five-day, four-night camping week has been shortened to a four-day, three-night event. Cleaning is always at the forefront of importance amid COVID-19.  The change was made to provide enough time for thorough cleaning between camping groups. Tentative activities during the week include swimming, canoeing, archery, a nature hike, herpetology, lake ecology, crafts, HOP (Health is Our Pledge) and outdoor recreation.


Forsyth County’s Cloverleaf Campers (fourth through sixth grade) will be traveling to Rock Eagle 4-H Center July 6-9.  Junior Campers (seventh and eighth grade) will also have an opportunity to travel to Rock Eagle 4-H Center this summer. Junior Camp will be held July 12-15. 


For more information on local activities and how to get involved in Forsyth County 4-H this year, contact the Forsyth County Extension Office. In Forsyth County, 4-H is supported by The University of Georgia, Forsyth County Board of Commissioners, Forsyth County Board of Education, and United Way of Forsyth County.  For more information on the 4-H Program, please call the Forsyth County Extension Office at 770-887-2418 or send an email to [email protected].

What better way to birth young ladies into knowledgeable, competent, and empowering, Girl Campers?

Article by Yolanda J. Edwards (AKA Mz. Hooked), Georgia Chapter Guide

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