Located in the quaint college town of Berea Kentucky, the Pinnacles are some of the best hiking in the state. I could easily spend the day there visiting all the overlooks. It works out to be around 6 miles and reaches over 1500 feet in elevation
Do one, do two, or do them all. The hikes range from beginner to moderate and have a little bit of everything. If you head towards the West Pinnacle trail, you’ll even find some light rock climbing. The trail heads are located in the parking lot of the Berea College Forestry Outreach Center and are opened from dawn until dusk. There is ample parking and restrooms and it’s dog friendly. You can pack a lunch and enjoy a bite on one of the gorgeous overlooks. If picnicking isn’t your thing, try one of Berea’s delicious restaurants like Boone Tavern or Papa Lenos. The Forestry Outreach Center provides education of all kinds and can even offer planned group classes.