Go Take A Hike!

Dec 5, 2021 | 0 comments

We all need to get outside after being quarantined for what seemed like an eternity. The weather is cool, the skies are blue. What a wonderful day to take a hike in the woods.

Before you venture out, there are some things to consider first. Many of us have been sedentary since the pandemic. As a result, we may have lost some of the stamina we previously had.

Keep in mind that you are not the only one with the idea of hiking outdoors. The parking lots of the state and federal parks are often full by 9am!  Choose a less popular area, bring a mask in the event you meet others on the trail and continue social distancing. Stay safe!

A view of the Delaware River from atop Mt Tammany

Below is a highly informative article on hiking that is beneficial to both seasoned hikers as well as first time adventurers.



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