How I Became an RV’er

Dec 8, 2021 | 1 comment

We’ve gone to the dogs

Murphy. Dilly, and Me

Are you sure you left the vet’s number? What about instructions for Dilly’s medication? Did you tell them about Murphy’s playtime? Do you think they miss us? I feel guilty for leaving. We should just get a camper so we can bring them. I’m pretty sure I’d been working the pet angle for a while. The desire to travel was looming large coinciding with the realization that my joints were getting stiffer and my rear end was quickly trying to form a relationship with my heels. I wasn’t getting any younger and I wanted to experience things NOW! Butt!…uh, I mean but, the dogs! It was always such an ordeal to make arrangements for them. Dilly just doesn’t do kennels. Well, It’s actually more me worrying that Dilly doesn’t do kennels, but anyways.

Murphy at Dock Dogs Competition

The Seasons of my Camping Life

When I was younger my family had a Winnebago, that functioned more like a garage ornament, and although I spent my entire youth and early teens at a summer day camp, it wasn’t really camping. Oh sure, I’d hit The Gorge a handful of times in my late teens and early 20’s. I even bought some of the gear. However, that was just an experiment in underaged drinking garnished with a bit of parental defiance. I was in a new season of my life now. Some people celebrate a midlife crisis with a sports car or a designer wardrobe. I was zeroing in on a Keystone and a ton of face cream.

Somebody get me a back scratcher

I just couldn’t scratch this travel itch and I needed a solution that would keep us all happy. Que the RV show. Sometimes I’m so crafty it’s scary. Now I can’t take credit for our Lab Murphy loving the water, but I will take credit for finding a Splash Dog competition that just happened to be situated next to an RV show at the Kentucky Horse Park. I also can’t take credit for the downpour that had us ducking for cover in the closest Keystone we could find. I just think that was God saying, “Girl, I’m gonna help you out with this camper thing, but you owe me!” And just like the lightening that lit up the sky that day,” Boom! “,It was over.

The Dutchman

When daydreams become reality

We both daydreamed of unexplored lands and roaring campfires.  I could see our pups relaxing beside us, only stirring to take advantage of the occasional marshmallow dripping from our skewers. Our talk turned to floorplans, length, budget, and of course, where we would land on our first adventure! It was done. In October of 2016, I officially became a camper with the purchase of our 2016 Dutchman bumper pull doghouse….I mean travel trailer. I think about where my life would be if I hadn’t insisted on taking cover from the rain in that Keystone. There are ups and downs to camping and RV ownership, but I have never once regretted our decision. So much so…I went out and got another. But this one is all mine! Just for me and any of my girls who feel like hitting the road. Que Girl Camper…

Some well traveled dogs

1 Comment

  1. Jenny Schmidt

    So…I am also a dog owner !We are laying in the rv now…Zoey is very spooked and we are still in my drive-way! LOL..Enjoyed your stories my question. Is this an active chapter? I live in Nashvile..and my rv journeys have yet to Iam exploring forums

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