Kohler-Andrae State Park, WI – Campground Review

Jan 28, 2022 | 0 comments

By Theresa “Resa” Leppert

I know, I know – Kohler-Andrae isn’t in IOWA!  It’s in WISCONSIN!  Near Sheboygan, to be exact. Have you ever camped in this park?

Where else do you camp other than your home state?

While I’m the guide for Iowa, I certainly don’t camp JUST in Iowa!  This is one of my favorite non-Iowa parks.  Kohler-Andrae State Park is right on Lake Michigan, and boy is that significant when camping during shoulder seasons, let me tell you!  Because the lake is so close, it can be quite a bit colder there in the campground than just down the road.  What’s nice is that the campground is protected by the dunes – so you get all the benefits of the beach/lake just a short walk away, without some of the biting winds you might otherwise experience. 

Shoulder season can be unpredictable.

We usually camp here in late April or early May with a large group of people from another camping club hubby and I belong to, and group meals in unpredictable weather can be a bummer…..  But this campground has a beautiful stone shelter for rent with a big fireplace, tables, and electric so you can gather in warmth and comfort!  It has a great view and is centrally located near the bathrooms in the campground.  So definitely consider that for your next group camping event!

Sweet! A dog-friendly beach!

Another plus for Kohler-Andrae is they have a DOG BEACH!  Yes!  A beach where your pooch can run around and play in the waves or dig a hole to bury a piece of driftwood. 

It’s quite a walk across the boardwalks to the dog beach – but hey, then Fido will be all worn out when you get back, lol.  (Or, you can just drive there from the campground, if you like.)

Things to remember….

Some things to remember about camping in state parks in Wisconsin:

  • WI state parks require an admission sticker.  It’s a yearly fee, and out-of-staters pay a higher fee.
  • WI state parks charge a higher per-night rate for out-of-staters.  That higher price is not reflected in the online reservation system until you get to your checkout screen!
  • WI state parks booking window is like 11 months, and most are really popular, so book early to get your spot!

You can learn more about this park here:  https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/parks/kohlerandrae/info 

Wisconsin has their own reservation system, and you can reserve a campsite here:  https://wisconsin.goingtocamp.com/  (Enter the park you’re looking for and your planned dates to see what’s available.)

Where is your non-Iowa favorite park????

Connect with me!

Theresa “Resa” Leppert

Guide Manager

Guide, Iowa & Wisconsin


[email protected]


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