Let’s Talk About Gas

Dec 3, 2021 | 0 comments

Let’s talk about gas… propane gas. Most people who have a camper, RV, trailer or motor home use propane gas. Tent campers use propane gas to power their cook stoves or portable fire pits. But, how much do you really know about this particular gas?

What is Propane Gas?

Propane, or LPG which stands for liquefied petroleum gas, is available is available all over the world and is used mainly to heat our homes. Propane is a byproduct of natural gas processing. As people search for cleaner and greener fuel options, more natural gas is being produced, hence more propane!

Propane is a good choice for campers.

Propane is easily transportable, very safe to use, affordable and clean. The United States alone produces over 1.9 million barrels of propane every single day! It’s completely nontoxic, colorless and almost odorless. In order to add a safety factor to propane, there is an added ‘identifying odor that can be easily detected in case of a leak.

Your camper or RV probably uses propane as a fuel source to power your stove, your heater and your refrigerator as an option when you aren’t connected to shore power. It’s an economical alternative and is readily available at many campgrounds as well as fuel stations. You can buy propane tanks in several different sizes from a small disposable tank, an environmentally friendly 5 pound tank all the way up to the large tanks that are mounted on your camper.

How do you know you’re being safe with your propane system?

Propane is safe and easy, but it’s also a flammable fuel that we have to be cautious and smart about. It’s important to educate yourself on your camper’s fuel system and to know what to look for when you suspect a problem. Like every other part of our camper or RV, we need to invest time into learning what’s what.

I found an informative article on the Camper Report website that I want to share with you. Please take time to read it and bookmark it for future reference! A good girl camper is a smart girl camper! Happy Learning and Happy Trails!

Read all about propane here: https://camperreport.com/propane-tank-safety/?amp&fbclid=IwAR0469jJEWI4IQfhFRTaABoJ_TqyWKBjWUE-jn5tIeZpuxa_4zjGIoUJzfs

Happy Trails… Shari Sullivan
Colorado Front Range Girl Camper Guide
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