Lift Off – Today is Your Day!

Dec 6, 2021 | 0 comments

Get up, get out and go. For an hour, for a day, a weekend or longer – whatever you can do, make it happen. Sometimes just walking out the front door is the hardest part.

My weekends are often scheduled with mountain chores or regular work “catch up” tasks. When this is the case, driving to a local campground, State Park, or even an RV park to check out all the rigs while I walk my dog is refreshing for my spirit. I don’t have to load up and go camping for a week to maintain an outdoor mindset. I actually NEED to get outside on a regular basis or I go stir crazy, so I have a powerful internal motivator.

What motivates you to get outside?

I like to go where I can enjoy rocks and water.

Today is Your Day

Where are the local places available to you that you haven’t explored yet?

Is there a nearby place you used to visit, but you haven’t been in years?

Where will you picnic today?

What vista point can you stand on to take in a new perspective?

Is there a marina close by where you can rent a patio boat for a few hours?

Check the All Trails App – are there trails in your area you haven’t explored yet?

Those Darn Excuses

I was recently talking with a friend and she said, “We never go anywhere. I don’t know why.” They don’t even take walks in their neighborhood to enjoy mornings or evenings and see what’s going on out there. There was no reason other than getting so locked into habits at home, it was challenging to interrupt the cycle of behaviors. Also, she realized she was waiting for her husband to initiate activity and he was often tired after working and just wanted to sit in his chair and watch TV. We did talk about her walking with a friend or even taking drives by herself sometimes.

Go on a Penney Walk!

Have you heard of the “Penney Walk”? I only recently learned about this “game” in which you take a walk, and anytime you come to a cross road or path, you flip the coin: heads – you go right, tails – you go left. I like the idea of this unplanned outing, letting the coin determine my direction. I think this is a fun way to walk with kids and grandkids. Could be the perfect activity in a new campground!

True Confessions

I have enjoyed hiding within the cocoon of my private world during the pandemic. With my hair growing out, sunglasses on and a mask, I could go to the grocery store and no one recognized me – I liked that. No one was expecting me to invite them to tag along on my outings, so I could be spontaneous without guilt – it was freeing. I was able to work remotely and be in front of the mic instead of in front of audiences – I REALLY liked that! For me, my post vaccination lift off point will be making plans with someone – or maybe even a small group. As an introverted creative who happened to have an extroverted career, I’m feeling nervous about the next steps that need to be taken.

The thought of being with people again is putting me through some mental paces. Sometimes just walking out the front door is the hardest part.

So let’s lean into this year together, making good things happen for ourselves and making good things happen for each other. Today is our day. This I know for sure: I’ll be seeing some of you around the campfire.

Article written by: Catherine Goggia, Northern California Chapter Guide

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