Local Finds: Garden of the Gods

Dec 3, 2021 | 0 comments

by Shari Sullivan


Find magic, enchantment and adventure at Garden of the Gods

Back in the 1800’s, the area known as Garden of the Gods was hailed as “a place so beautiful that surely the gods would assemble here”.  The 480 acre public park remains free and open to the public daily where you can hike, bike or ride your horse through some of the most beautiful red rock formations in the country.

Garden of the Gods Mountain Range
Garden of the Gods Mountain Range

Located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Garden of the Gods was gifted to the city by the Perkins family in 1909.  It truly is a treasure and is enjoyed by thousands of visitors each year.  If you’re a history or geology buff, you can learn about how the park was formed by attending an informative video at the Visitors Center.  

There are hikes of all levels and walking trails for folks who aren’t interested in going ‘off road’.  If you’re feeling a little bit more adventurous I recommend the hike up the Siamese Twin Loop trail to a wonderful twin rock formation.  You can see by the photo how these two rock formations earned their name.  If you climb up to the opening, you have a perfect view of the Easternmost 14,000 foot mountain peak in the United States… Pikes Peak!  It’s not an especially strenuous hike, but always carry plenty of water with you when you’re hiking anywhere!

View of Pikes Peak from Garden of the Gods

Garden of the Gods holds many hidden treasures and you’re sure to enjoy the rugged beauty that these red rocks hold.  From the Kissing Camel rock formation to the famous Balancing Rock… both visible from your vehicle, you’ll enjoy this magical part of Colorado.

Garden of the Gods is open daily from 5 a.m. until 10 p.m.  For more information, please visit their site.

Happy Trails… Shari Sullivan
Senior Editor for Girl Camper
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