Memories of RVing

Dec 3, 2021 | 0 comments

My memories of RVing only go back to 1973 -’74 although I know I was camping as an infant.

I have always been curious about how we RV’ers camped way back in the day. Apparently RVing, as we know it, can be traced back to 1910, the year my grandmother, Geneva, was born.

I found this picture in a box, I was only about 6 in this scene but I can remember it like it was yesterday. 

memories of RVing

I think we would sleep 6 people in that little 14’ rig. I remember the bunks at both ends which in the morning turned right back into storage compartments.

To this day I still love the smell of the campfire being blown into the windows with the breeze as I fall asleep, and the sound of our parents living it up outside.

Sometimes, as I camp with the Girl Campers, I go to bed early so I can enjoy hearing their chatting in the background and it brings back sweet memories of my childhood.

How far back do you remember your camping experiences? What are some of your memories of RVing?

Take a look at this timeline article from GoRVing, to get an idea of the history of this wonderful pastime!

My friends call me “Q” — Susan Landis, PA GirlCamper Guide

Happy Camping!


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