Pet-friendly camping: It’s Dog-gone Fun!

Dec 3, 2021 | 0 comments

So many of us love to camp with our special furry friends, and thankfully most campgrounds now offer pet-friendly camping.  Whether it’s a couple of dogs, a cat, birds or a fluffy bunny, you don’t have to leave your fur (or feather) babies at home when you head out to your favorite camping spot.

Lots of Girl Campers love to travel solo, and having a special furry friend along helps provide company on the drive, or when you’re just hanging around the campsite.  Just be sure to plan ahead and keep a few things in mind to make your camping trip with your pet a success.

First, when you’re planning your camping trip and making your reservations, check the campgrounds website to make sure that they offer pet-friendly camping.  Each campground will have their own rules, but it’s pretty standard that if you’re bringing a dog along they must be leashed or tethered at all times.  There is typically what I call the ‘Ten Foot Rule’ when it comes to tie-outs.  Be sure that your anchor is secure so if something catches your pooches attention they can’t take off and drag the anchor behind them!  Some campers prefer an enclosure or kennel instead of a tether. Just be sure you have a safe and shady spot to place it, and don’t ever leave your pup unattended outside. No doubt they will miss you being  there to keep them company too!

Pack plenty of supplies for your little friend.  That should include food, water, his dishes, treats, his own comfy bed and favorite toys.  It’s not a bad idea to bring along an extra leash just in case something happens to your regular leash.  And, don’t forget to have proof of vaccination with you as well.  Dog tags are great – but it’s always safe to have a copy of your veterinarian’s certificates with you too.

Always bring plenty of ‘doggy doo bags’ for scooping up what your dog leaves behind.  There’s nothing worse than arriving at a campsite and finding what the previous occupant left behind.  Or coming across those leftovers when you’re out on a trail, or even headed to the bathroom.  Be a considerate camper when it comes to your pets too.

No matter what kind of pet you like to camp with, having yours along with you can make your trip more relaxing and fun.  Just be sure to be prepared  and help your pet enjoy the call of the wild along with you!


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