Staying Safe On The Road……
I’m not sure about you but, traveling and camping solo has caused “worry” by many of my family members…..I’m not naïve but, I do think I probably suffer from a false sense of security. After both of my grown sons challenged me on “What is your safety plan?”, I thought long and hard. Quite honestly I have a tendency to think the glass is more than half full and try not to dwell on life’s dark side. My safety plan had always been about making sure my motorhome stayed well maintained, always checking tire pressure and preplanning my routes, etc. I hadn’t given much thought to my personal safety.

I made my “mother” promise to investigate what my personal safety options might be. I had to look no further than my back yard…Right down the road there is a facility I pass daily, Premier Shooting & Training Center.

I started thinking about not only me, but the Girl Camper community and wondered if this place could provide training for us to be proactive and not a victim. I called and made an appointment to meet with Hannah Lentz their ATF Compliance Officer, Corporate Trainer, Operations Manager. I was blown away! Hannah had many ideas on how to incorporate personal safety from self-defense to “less than lethal options” as well as becoming a gun owner.
After spending nearly an hour with me, Hannah introduced me to Kellie Wilson their Membership & Event Manager. Kellie jumped right in and took me on a tour of the facility. I was impressed! Everything was immaculate, well designed and they even have a V.I.P. room with an enclosed back porch overlooking a lake with several camp fire rings set up. Now this is my kind of place, a hidden gem right here in my hometown.

Next up was the privilege to meet the grand dame, Premier Shooting & Training Center owner Mrs. Tommie Rowland! Tommie shared that Premier Shooting & Training Center is a locally owned and operated business that strives to provide both their members and visitors with a truly unique experience. “We are community focused and pride ourselves on staying up to date on the latest information in all aspects of shooting and training”. Also, it’s a family affair and granddaughter, Hannah, was quick to point out that Tommie’s hand was all over the high quality décor throughout the facility. I felt like I had just had a red carpet experience!

Hannah went to work to create a customized workshop for Girl Campers which will be posted on the Girl Camper Event page. Save the date, May 20-23, 2021. Below are some of the details:
Get Away the Safe Way
Enjoying the great outdoors is your goal. Giving you the freedom to enjoy it safely is our goal.
The workshop “Situational Awareness: Life Skills for Everyone” will be offered at the campsite by for all Girl Campers on Friday, May 21.
Awareness, how do I tell an official policeman from and imposter, what if I have trouble on the road, how do I travel safely to and from the campground, what safety precautions should I practice at the campground? We can answer these and other life savings questions as you pursue your passion for travel. Knowledge is power, give yourself the tools to be prepared for any situation.
For those who want to learn more about gun ownership or already have a gun, we will travel on Saturday morning to Premier Shooting & Training Center to learn from a female certified instructor with a 30-minute safety brief before going to the range for an hour of range time for up to 20 women. Premier will provide firearms, eye and ear protection or participants may bring their own firearms and ammunition, but they must be range safe. Ammunition is not included; will be purchased on day of event.

Please consider joining the Ohio Chapter as we learn how to embrace and practice personal safety!
Rayma Waters |Girl Camper Guide to Ohio
Connect with Rayma and her Girl Camper Group
Facebook Page – this is the link for where you can tag us and we can tag you! This is where I’ll share general Girl Camper news, events and more.
Facebook Group – Please join the private Ohio Group so you can participate in this supportive and fun community! Private Black Hills/Ohio Chapter Group
Events-Be sure to check out the Girl Camper Events I’m hosting.