Free Event – hosted by Lisa Dempsey, Southeast Texas Chapter Guide
We are planting seeds of friendship in the Southeast Texas Chapter of Girl Camper. NOTE; An RSVP is required to attend any Girl Camper event.
Girl Camper is so much more than a website or Facebook Page that talks about camping. Join Lisa Dempsey-Southeast Texas Guide for Girl Camper, to meet some fellow Girl Campers and ask everything you have wanted to know about Girl Camper. We will cover upcoming events and there will be a small surprise for each of you!
This luncheon is designed for Girl Campers in the Southeast Texas Chapter who would like more information on upcoming events and meet other Girl Campers in the area. If you are close enough to drive to Spring, Texas for this event, you are welcome to come to join us.
YOU MUST RSVP ON THE GIRLCAMPER.COM/EVENTS PAGE. This is also where you will find, the location, time, and additional details about the event.
If you have RSVP’d and cannot attend, please let Lisa Dempsey know as soon as possible. I do need to give the venue a head count a week prior so they can schedule their staff accordingly. Thank you for your help with this ladies!
Watch for more Seeds of Friendship events around Texas in the future!
Click the link for How to register for Girl Camper Events and complete your safety check Video: