Seeking Ways to Make Money on the Road?

Dec 6, 2021 | 0 comments

Change your perspective and new opportunities might come into view!

When I had my first travel trailer, I’d sometimes sit in it to take a break, change my frame of mind, and brainstorm about future adventures. I started to think about ways I could earn money while traveling. I began to formulate a vision of spending less time trading hours for dollars while spending more time creating content or services that could be purchased repeatedly.

Even when the trailer was in my yard, I spent time in it writing and reading.

When I picked up my RPod, I was already planning a week-long writing retreat at a campground on the Pacific coast. I had published my first three books on Amazon, and I was eager to start on the first draft of the next book.

The day I picked up my new travel trailer, I knew my life would change in exciting ways.
Hiking with my camera is one of my favorite pastimes.

I was in Highschool when my first photos were published and when people first paid me to take photographs for them. Photography is one of the main loves of my life, and photography when camping is something I’ve been doing since I started camping as a youngster. I recently became a Shutterstock Contributor, and have started building my gallery, including images from my travels over the past six years. If you plan to sell stock photographs, it’s important to know you need shots that will differ from the million of other photographs taken from that exact same tourist viewpoint by people with cell phones. Also, stock photography is not a get rich quick event. It’s a slow build process across different platforms that can help pay a bill or two once you have thousands of unique quality photographs in your gallery. For me, Shutterstock is ONE of the things I do, not my main gig. If this interests you, think about what your niche will be and go for it. For example, food photography is a niche. Photographing birds is something I love to do, but it’s other photo types of mine that sell more frequently.

I love photographing birds!

If you are interested in making money on the road, I encourage you not to jump into all or nothing thinking. For example, you don’t have to quit your job, sell everything, buy a van and hit the road, hoping for the best. I still earn most of my money by doing the work I’ve done for decades. Now, instead of having that work available only face-to-face, I offer webinars because I can work from any location with a good Wi-Fi connection. I use Skype for more meetings.

I use the Microsoft Surface Pro combination laptop and tablet when I work in my travel trailer. I like the feel of the keyboard when writing. I can draw on the tablet – if there are fellow artists out there, the feel of drawing on this equipment is nice! I use the stylus to edit my photos, as that’s much easier than using a mouse. Check out the Surface Pro here:

I use a Canon portable printer when working in my trailer. It’s compact and works great with battery power (you purchase the battery separately). I scored a contract one time because a group of people were looking for trainers to assist with a year-long project, and they gave us all a mini-assignment to be completed that day, and I was the only one who brought my own portable printer! They had technical issues with the printer on site that day, so none of the other trainers could print out copies of their presentations for everyone on the team. I have the Canon 110, similar to this model:

The aspect that’s significantly changed in the last few years is, I’ve focused that work on certain days of the week, so I have more time to build other income channels, including work I can do when traveling. Being disciplined in my work ethic and being fairly organized in my work routine have helped me start to produce results. You have several options to consider; I found an article that expands on this introduction from me with five more ideas – one of which I had never heard of!

Michelle Shroeder wrote about making money on the road in this GO RVing article. I encourage you to read it, learn more, and envision YOUR future making money on the road.

Article Introduction Author: Catherine Goggia GO RVing article author: Michelle Shroeder

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