She’s Exactly Like You

Dec 3, 2021 | 0 comments

I sure hope not but I hear this a lot. “She’s exactly like you!”

When you have five boys and only one girl you might be flattered that people think she is just like you but she is so NOT like me at all!

I am an introvert, she’s an extrovert. I like solitude, she likes noise. I’m not a music fan, she knows all the songs and dances. I’m a morning person she’s Miss Cranky Pants if I wake her at a decent hour (for lunch).

My girl in her zone.

Yes, she is quite the spitting image of me, but I am so very glad I have a unique, strong, spitfire of a daughter who is NOT exactly like me. What I like most about her is that she has her own voice and I let her scream it loud because I didn’t until I was well into my forties. This girl knows what she wants!

When my girl was growing up, I was nervous that she wouldn’t like camping as much as I do. That she would just sit in the camper sulking that she had to endure this quiet, peaceful time in the enchanted camp forest with me. Oh no! What if I can’t share my passion with my own daughter? In this, I definitely want her to be just like me!

Well thankfully, I didn’t get that girl, I got one that actually loves camping. She helps out at camp and knows just what needs to be done. She even wants to bring her friends along and wants them to also know how to be a good Girl Camper. Whew!

She learned to pack her own bearings before me!!

My girl is 17 and has already restored her own, easy-to-tow popup camper. I can not wait until she is following me pulling mine and she hers….or actually, I believe it will be the other way around. She is a leader!! 

Inside Emma's Camper, "Rory"
Rory inside

I hope, if you have a daughter, that she is following in your footsteps and wants to camp and be like us Girl Campers. I’d love to hear how you are including her in your camping adventures. 

Give a comment below, Can’t wait to connect with you! We’re raising the next generation of Girl Campers!! Let’s do it proudly! 

My friends call me “Q” — Susan Landis, PA GirlCamper Guide


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