The Next Generation of Girl Campers… Meet Lili

Dec 3, 2021 | 0 comments

We know that girl campers come in all shapes, sizes, colors and ages and that’s one of the things that makes Girl Camper so special. I’d like to introduce you to one of the next generation members of the Girl Camper movement. Meet Lili. Lili is ten years old and lives in Westcliffe, Colorado. She has a lot of experience with camping and outdoor skills because she’s been an active member of her Girl Scout troop since she was a Brownie. Lili likes to camp with her grandparents, and they all joined us for our Girl Camper Cowgirl Roundup event in LaVeta, Colorado in July.

I asked Lili if she would write about her experience at her very first Girl Camper event and she was happy to do so. So, without further ado, Lili shares her weekend with the Girl Campers.

Girl Camper Event, by Lili K.

Last weekend, July 16-20, my family and I went on a camping trip with Girl Campers to Circle the Wagons in La Veta, CO. When we got to the campsite, there were not a lot of campers there. We got there late, so we had dinner and went to bed.

Our beautiful tables

The next day, Friday the 17, Shari got there so I helped her get set up for the Meet and Greet we were going to have at 6:30. I helped by putting up decorations and setting the tables. There were cans so we put red and black ribbons around them and filled them with cut branches and artificial flowers. Everyone introduced themselves and told how long they have been girl campers. That night, when the Meet and Greet was over, Shari came to our Camper and we sat outside for a while before going to bed.

Lili and Kimberly helping set up for our Friday night Meet & Greet

Saturday morning we had a trailer tour and anyone who wanted to could visit the other campers to see how different they all were. We were supposed to have a cookout that evening at 6:00, and dress up as Cowgirls. But, when 5:00 came it started raining hard. It didn’t let up until about 7:30-8:00, so we didn’t get to have the cookout. Shari and I went around to all the campers in our group and handed out ice cream to everyone!

Serving pancakes to the Girl Campers

On Sunday we had a pancake breakfast and I helped serve everyone their pancakes. Then Shari came with us in our car, and drove out to an old ghost town called Uptop and we looked around. It was amazing. We saw an old schoolhouse, a storage area, a bunk house, a miner’s house, a church, and an old train depot. Behind the depot, there was a place where people could put special stuff that they have and ether hang them up, or put them on the painted sticks of an tipi.

Lili checking out the old ‘Miners Cabin’ in the ghost town of Up Top, Colorado

On the last day, Monday the 20, we went home to Westcliffe. I met a lot of people on this camping trip and I definitely would want to go camping with the Girl Campers again.

It was great having Lili camp with us at our Cowgirl Roundup. She helped with so many things, and I know she had a good time being part of our group. Lili, you’re always welcome!


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