
Dec 5, 2021 | 0 comments

Do you remember the cup-topped thermoses that populated the lunch boxes of the 1950’s to the 1980’s?  They can make a nostalgic resurgence in the camping world with their helpful versatility.

Getting started
Almost organized

looking lovely on the counter

Some basic supplies I need when camping is coffee, milk, sugar, and sometimes tea.  Using these thermoses is a perfect way to display and store food while camping, especially in my vintage camper.  Milk stays fresh. Iced tea stays cold. I’ll bet you never thought to store dry goods in them! Coffee grounds, tea leaves, rice, and cereal…the list goes on.

While traveling, store away in your cabinet

We also know that collecting vintage collectables tends to be a favorite pastime of the type of camper reading this article… Flea markets await!

Away we go!!

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