Dec 8, 2021 | 0 comments

You’re at the Campground, Now what!

You’ve found your site, your excited your here!! 

First thing is text your love one and tell them you made it!!

Next get out of car and walk around the campsite,  look around check where your electric box is, how wide the pad, where do you want your door to open up or where will u step down from the door, how far over do I need to be in the site. My camper is small so sometimes I can angle it to a nice view, so in the morning my door is facing the lake or the picnic table, think outside the box it doesn’t have to be straight in.

Next back or pull in and when you have where you want it, park and set your chocks under your wheels very first thing. 

I had a friend Connie who unhitched but forgot the chocks and the camper started rolling backwards, luckily there was a curb on the pad and it stopped the camper from rolling into the woods.

Always follow your check list.

 Next unhitch, raise your tongue off the ball till it clears and unhook your chains and Unplug for cord lights.  I’ve done that to forget the chains and pulled the camper forward scary moment but I’ll never forget again!

Now you’re ready to pull the car ahead and get it free of your trailer.

Lower hitch and level camper, when done leveling put down or set up your stabilizer to keep the camper from moving every time you step in or out.

Now it’s important not to level anymore after you have put the stabilizer in place. 

I did that once and lucky for me another camper was watching me and ran over to stop me.  I had my stabilizer down and was lifting the front of trailer, but when you do that what is happening to the back stabilizer, they are going through your floor!!  I would have been so upset if I had done damage to the floor.

Next is hooking up electric, water and sewer if you have it.

Always good to use a Surge protector for electric box and a water pressure regulator to be used at the campground water connection

Next go inside switch on lights and make sure your gas, electric are running and turn on faucet.  Don’t forget is the refrigerator at the right setting? Now the basics are done and the glamping decor can begin!

Written by Bonnie Shafto New Mexico Girl Camper Guide


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