Butterflies, Butterflies!

Butterflies, Butterflies!

Butterflies, Butterflies, Who Doesn’t Love Butterflies? The Butterfly Pavilion, located off Hwy 36 at 104th ...
Elk Creek Campground

Elk Creek Campground

Top Pick for a true Colorado Camping Site! by Shari Sullivan . Located just outside the western entrance ...
Rifle Falls State Park

Rifle Falls State Park

If you're looking for a special place to get away from the crowded popular areas of Colorado, Rifle Falls State ...
Girl Camper Guide - Colorado

Girl Camper Guide - Colorado

Deanne Kelly

While Deanne is not a native, she has lived in Colorado all her adult life, since 1983.  She is widowed with an adult son, daughter-in-law and two tween granddaughters that live nearby.   After 32 years in the Environmental Health field, she retired in 2018 and planned to do more camping in her vintage 1968 Aristocrat Lo Liner travel trailer that she bought in 2012 after her husband passed away.

Deanne didn’t camp much as a kid but remembers a couple of trips with her paternal grandparents when she was a teenager.   Her maternal grandparents built and lived in an A-frame home at a lake in lower Michigan for many years, to a young girl, this was very much like camping except year-round.   As an adult, Deanne has camped in a tent (once had a huge bull snake slither out from under it), a small pull behind travel trailer (once with 4 adults & a child inside for a rainy Memorial Day weekend) and a truck camper (so they could also pull the ski boat).   Deanne really started camping regularly in 2015 – 2016 when she found a local camping group to camp with.  Two travel trailers later, Deanne enjoys camping in her new-to-her 21’ Jayco JayFlight with her girl camping friends every chance she gets.

There is so much see and do in Colorado and Deanne has been on a mission to visit more of our state parks.   She invites you to get out there and see all there is to see in our diverse state.  Did you know Colorado has 41 State Parks?   How many have you visited?

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