By Shari Sullivan
It’s the start of a new year, and lots of people make those infamous New Year Resolutions. I’ve never been a ‘resolution maker’… but rather a ‘goal setter.’ I’ve heard it said that resolutions were made to be broken, but goals were made to be achieved. So, with that in mind I’m going to make some camping goals for 2023.
- Camp More
- That sounds pretty simple, and given my 2022 camping calendar, it might actually be pretty easy to do. I was new to Alabama last year, so not being familiar with the campgrounds was one hindrance that I should not have let define me. But, I did. Now that I have met several other Girl Campers I have a long list of campgrounds that I would like to try out in 2023.
- Learn a New Skill
- I’ve been a camper for a very long time, so sometimes it seems like there is nothing new to add to my wheelhouse. However, I know that is not true at all. I am planning to learn to play the ukulele this year. It’s such a fun little instrument and is so small it can go anywhere. I bought one a few years ago, and tried to learn to play, but I put it aside and there it sits. Maybe we will have a “ukulele” campout’ and several of us can learn to play together. I’ll report back!
- Take My Grandkids Camping
- Sounds simple, right? What makes it challenging is the fact that my grand twins live in Colorado and I live in Alabama. I’ve taken them before and they love it. So, this year it’s time to revive that tradition and take them camping here in Alabama when they visit me this summer. I’ve heard about an area where you can hunt for sharks teeth – and that sounds like something they would love to do. By the way, I’ll love it, too.
- Build a Camping Oven
- When I was in Girl Scouts way back when, we baked biscuits at camp by using an oven made from a cardboard box. I haven’t done it since then, and it’s about time to try that again. Maybe this time I’ll make a pizza, or cupcakes… I have baked using a Dutch oven many times and helped bake a breakfast casserole using a regular grill. Check out this recipe:
- Go Camping In At Least Three New States
- I have little magnets from each state I’ve camped in since I got my little camper, and my goal this year is to add at least three new magnets to my little fridge door. I have planned a camping trip to Tennessee to explore David Crockett State Park. It looks amazing and you can see a little bit of the park in this video: I am also considering my neighboring states of Mississippi, Georgia and Florida – so we will see where my camper takes me this year. It’s good to make camping goals that are reachable and exciting.

So there you have it. I’ve written it down there and made it public, so I guess that makes it official. Now I can be held accountable for achieving them, if only to myself. What are your Camping Goals for 2023? I would love for you to share them with me in the comments.
Happy Trails… Shari Sullivan
Senior Editor for Girl Camper
Alabama Girl Camper Chapter Guide
Georgia Girl Camper Chapter Guide
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