
Girl Camper Guide - Nebraska
Mary Byrnes
Though not a native of Nebraska, I grew up and live in Omaha.
I am the youngest of four, two brothers and a sister, and my parents, Maxine and Floyd, yes, they have the same names as the Hallmark couple, and I swear the creator of this famous couple must have met my parents along the way to fashion his creations after these two. My Mother, Maxine, was larger than life and I named my Geo Pro after her, and my Dad, Floyd, Maxine’s sidekick, was always there by her side and I proudly named my Explorer after him. So, to this day, Maxine and Floyd are always with me whenever I am camping.
In my childhood years, my family camped in a tent, then they purchased a small travel trailer. Wish I had that travel trailer today. In my high school through college years, I camped in a tent but after the birth of my first child, my parents gifted us siblings with the joint use of a pop-up. I thought I had hit the lottery. As my son grew, camping went by the wayside with his weekend activities and sports. Then came my daughter, and with the ten-year age difference between the two kids, it had me running in different directions between hockey and ballet, so unfortunately, we did not spend much time camping.
Fast forward to a few years ago, I re-caught the camping bug again and decided to start looking for a camper for myself and my husband to travel in and enjoy all that camping has to offer. I searched and searched for a remodeled, vintage camper but finding those gems eluded me. Countless searches and disappointments later in not finding anything to suit my wants or my ability to DIY, it was then that I discovered the Geo Pro 14FK. It was love at first sight!!
Just the perfect size for us to travel together, or me alone, as my husband Bob and I drove to get her. I had not towed anything in years and was excited-nervous, ladies you know that feeling, and off we went to pick her up. I thought to myself, if I pointed her forward to pull her home, I’d be ok. Backing up, well that was a whole different story and one I had not done in years, but I’d cross that bridge when I came to it!
About the same time, I found Maxine, I found Girl Camper. What, ladies like me who like to wander and camp. What better company can I have but ton hang with these like-minded girls.    Jackpot!! I look forward to sharing all the Nebraska and this Girl Camper has to offer.
(Mary lives in Omaha with her husband Bob, who is retired from the medical field and their daughter, Elizabeth, who is finishing her graduate degree. In their home also resides two dogs, Jack, a huge Husker fan and Sophia, who resembles a miniature lion. Their son Kent serves in law enforcement and is married to Ashley, a banker, and they reside in Colorado.