North texas

Girl Camper Guide - North Texas
Christy Taylor
“Camping is for me!”
I started camping as a child with my family. We camped all over North Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Colorado. We tent camped while my grandparents would come along with their truck camper. We had lots of happy times over the years. When I was in high school, we started hiking into primitive campsites in New Mexico and Colorado. We had to break in our hiking boots for a couple of months before big trips. We learned to carry everything we needed on our backs.
When my children were in elementary school, I convinced my husband (who had never camped in his life) that we needed to start camping with the kids. We have so many funny stories from that first campout- or at least we all thought they were hilarious! I am still surprised my husband ever agreed to go again!
When the kids left for college, I started looking into a vintage travel trailer. My mother and I loved seeing cute campers in magazine articles and women going off on adventures. My husband was not interested at all. After my mother passed, I was even more convinced I needed to get one of these campers. With the help of my daughter and father, I found the cutest little camper to restore. She is a 1965 Mobile Scout and was given the name Ethyl. The restoration process started. I talked my husband into going at least once with me to a Tin Can Tourist Rally for vintage campers. He came along begrudgingly and… he had a blast! On that trip, we connected with several couples that have become great lifelong friends. And he was then completely supportive of the restoration process!
A couple of the women we met encouraged and invited me to join them at a couple of different women’s camping group events. At first, I declined, I just couldn’t and hadn’t imagined going without my husband. I couldn’t imagine going off camping with just women. The more I thought about it though, the more I wanted to try it. I committed to a couple of trips and hooked up the camper.
I felt very adventurous and very independent. I love the outdoors and was amazed at how much peace there was setting out on the open road for new adventures. Most of all, I have loved meeting women from all walks of life doing and enjoying the same thing I love- camping!
Christy Taylor, North Texas Girl Camper Guide