With the arrival of the autumn months comes fall foliage, back-to-school checklists and the return of the cozy sweater for many of us. With so much to love about fall, it can be a puzzle why, when the evening approaches, we might become a little uneasy. After months of long, bright days that can stretch into the 7, 8, and even 9 p.m. hour our time in the sun eventually begins to get a little bit shorter every day. It’s incredible how the rhythms of the night can affect us.

Earlier evenings don’t just affect our schedules. Researchers tell us that our circadian rhythms synchronize with the seasons. As our bodies adjust to the changing cycles, we experience swings in the systems that guide our serotonin, melatonin and insulin, or in other words, our mood, sleep and metabolism, respectfully. These are three big players we don’t want to see get too off kilter. By bringing awareness to the return of the early evening, we can embrace the natural flow of our internal body clocks so all systems stay in check. Keeping an eye on the health of your evenings is not just a great way to stay close to the rhythms of our natural world, but makes for better use of the daylight we do have, because a great day starts the night before. Here are a few ways to lean into early nights.

Clocking Out

Our drive to be productive can sometimes lead us to extend the work day. This may not be as noticeable in the summer months, but in the winter, it can feel as though we just looked up from our desks to find a night sky staring back. If you’re able, end your work day before the sun goes down. If it’s helpful to you, make a list of what’s on tap for the next day, trusting that you’ll have all the strength and energy you need to tackle it tomorrow.

No News is Good News

With the close of the day officially behind you, it’s time to put a pin in all stressful forms of consumption. Mainly this means stepping out of the news cycle. While the evening news used to be a staple of our times, now we spend our days screening real-time updates of the world around us. Chances are that by the time 6 p.m. rolls around, you’ve already heard all there is to hear for the day. See what a news-free evening can do for your mental health!


Catch the Sunset

Watching the sun go down is a great way to lean into the transition from day to night. Allow yourself to rest in the similarity of the moment. Doing so, you can let go of the day and step into the cozy restoration of the evening ahead. Take a moment to thank yourself for all you were able to accomplish, even if it was just little things, and set an intention to live fully when the sun rises tomorrow.

Try Fire Light

As campers, this crowd should know a thing or two about the joys of fire light. Researchers tell us that the experience of a hearth awakens our senses, signals social safety and can even reduce blood pressure. You don’t need access to a campfire or even a fireplace to enjoy the benefits of a comforting flame. When evening comes around, ditch the overbearing, overhead lights for the comforts of candles. And remember, a little flame is just as comforting from a tea light as any kind of high-end, scented candle.

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Personal Proficiency

At the end of a long weekday, it can feel like the only thing we want is a little time in front of the TV. Of course, a little movie marathon never hurt anyone. Research does tell us that spending time perfecting a personal proficiency can bring satisfaction. It also brings confidence and a sense of purpose to our routines. Do you have a hobby that brings you joy? Try carving out a few hours in the evening to stretch those skills. Doing so makes the choice to do what is fun over what is easy. That’s a great attitude to wake up with!

The article “Rhythms of the Night” by Georgia Pettit was originally published in Girl Camper Magazine.

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