I grew up camping in an old green Army Surplus tent. Somehow I gained custody of it when my parents downsized and gave us one week to claim what we wanted from the garage. The screens were torn and patched and the canvas was full of pin holes and duct tape but I still took my kids camping in it. It poured rain and we were at the bottom of a hill. The water rushed in and flooded us on our first night. We dashed to the minivan with our soaking wet sleeping bags and made up a makeshift camp in the van, puppy and all. At 5 AM I told the kids to buckle up and we headed the hour and half drive home leaving my treasured tent behind. Two days later my husband drove back down with me to take it down. It had collapsed under the weight of the rain and wind. It was time to put her down! I cried and cried as my husband bundled up the moldy remnants and headed to the dumpster. I salvaged the adjustable poles from the front awning and center support. I had to keep something of her. I still use the poles today!
Happy Trails! Janine Pettit