Texas Hill Country

The Bluebonnet Café

The Bluebonnet Café

Marble Falls, Texas is in the heart of the Texas Hill Country, and has numerous places and restaurants that you ...
Girl Camper Guide - Texas Hill Country

Girl Camper Guide - Texas Hill Country

Sharon Cutbirth

I am so pleased to be your Texas Hill Country Guide!

I have been camping since I was 6 months old, and I have been blessed with many different types of camping, as well as different places I have camped.

My grandma Rosa Lee (the inspiration for my camper, Rosa Lee) and Pop Slim, along with my parents, Don and Billie Etheredge, decided to go camping in the mountains because – well, we lived in Texas, where it was hot. There were 9 adults and kids in one large car, and they had never been camping before. The story goes that the first night they “about froze to death,” because they had not been in the mountains in the month of July and did not realize how cold it would be at night.

The plan for the trip was to sleep on cots, but y’all probably know that was a bad idea. The second night, they put a tarp on the ground, laid the cots on their side for a windbreak and to help hold in their body heat. My grandma slept with me between her and my Pop to keep me warm. Of course, I have no memories of this, but I have heard the story many times., because even though it was less than perfect (their equipment was lacking as well), everyone that went remembers their first real vacation with fondness.

I could write a small novel about all of my camping experiences because each one was special in some way. We progressed from cots to tents, pickup camper shells, pickup close campers, popup campers and finally pull behind campers. I have sweet memories from each type of camping.

After some busy years when raising my children, I continue now to camp like a girl – a girl who knows her strengths and weaknesses and is learning to appreciate one as much as the other. My strengths give me confidence and allow me to help others. My weaknesses keep me real and cause me to attempt new things while appreciating who I am today. I pray that for each of you.

I’ll see you down the road!

Sharon – Girl Camper

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