Become A
Girl Camper guide

Girl Camper Chapter Guides are camping enthusiasts who are building a business of their own while doing what they love.

Girl Camper Chapter Guides are micro businesses.

How it Works

Our mission at Girl Camper is to lift women up and encourage them to go for their dreams.

Our Chapter Guides have geographic exclusivity so you’ll have the opportunity to truly thrive in your area without competing with another Guide. With that said, many of our Guides partner with each other on various projects to help plan and execute camping events, host meet & greets, develop products to sell and more.

You will always have a helping hand to build your business as a Girl Camper Guide!

It’s Your Business

Every Girl Camper Chapter has their own microsite that Girl Camper national creates for you and hosts while you serve as it’s Editor. This is the heart of the Girl Camper Guide’s business. You’ll share your own articles, videos, photos but you’ll have plenty of help from other camping experts and enthusiasts throughout the Girl Camper world so if writing isn’t your strength, it’s not a deal breaker!

Share Your Expertise

There are multiple streams of revenue for our Girl Camper Chapter Guides. We help you with the tools and training to build your business, from hosting camping events, running Camper Colleges, lining up sponsorships and advertising, and even selling your curated products on the Girl Camper store.

Other Cool Stuff

As a Chapter Guide, you’re part of the national family of official Girl Camper influencers and there’s strength in numbers! You will most likely receive products or invited to various sponsored events around the country where Girl Camper is asked to share our expertise, insight or reviews of a company that is hoping to attract the girl camper audience.


The Application Process

Our Camper-In-Chief Janine Pettit is often asked “How can I do what you do”?  You can!  But it takes stamina, creativity and determination to thrive as an influencer and entrepreneur.  If you’re ready to work for yourself, make your own hours, increase your income and have fun doing it – becoming a Girl Camper Guide could be a perfect fit!

If You’re Accepted:  Chapter Guides pay a one-time start-up fee, while Girl Camper Staff produce ongoing training and events to bring all the Girl Camper Chapter Guides together.  In return, you receive exclusive rights to your area, the opportunity to write for Girl Camper Magazine and website, business cards, a Girl Camper decal and ongoing support to help you thrive!

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