5 Tips for Creative Storytelling
Think you are too old for a campfire story? I think not! Are you the kind of person who hid behind your sister when scary stories were told around the fire? Or were the first in line to be just a little spooked before bedtime? Or maybe you are a novice storyteller and all of this is new to you, but you’d like to try? Create great campfire memories through creative storytelling. All types of storytellers are welcome!
Storytelling is the way culture has been passed down for generations. It is one of the great gifts we can give each other around the fire. You don’t have to know any stories yourself. The web is full of material to pick from. Additionally, the National Parks bookstores are a great source for local lore. I have fun collecting new story ideas.

What type of storyteller are you?
First, think of what kind of story you’d like to tell. One of my favorite sources is a book of Native American tales my family loved. The collection focuses on tales from Washington and Oregon explaining the landscape and the origins of local the rivers and mountains. This collection of Indian legends was collected from hunters, trappers, teaches, and members of several native communities in the early 1900s. I love the way the stories relate to the natural world.
Pick a story that calls to you, look at the tips, and give it a try. You are never too old for a story around the campfire!

5 Tips for great story telling
Know your story – Make sure you read your story several times and even practice reading it out loud. Better yet, learn the story well enough to just tell it. Not relying heavily on a script leads to more eye contact with the audience and a chance to add drama and your own flare.
Keep it short – Don’t choose something that will drag on. There are lots of short and sweet tales to pick from. Leave them wanting more.
Bring yourself to your story – The fun of storytelling is adding your own twists. Stories with flavor and drama are the most fun for listeners. Our rafting guide in the Grand Canyon told stories of travelers who mysteriously disappeared in the Canyon. Great fun!
Don’t be afraid to make a mistake – This is fun, perfection not required!
Be a great audience member – Respond enthusiastically to other’s stories. Furthermore, you may learn a few new stories to add to your collection. Using these tips you can create great campfire memories through creative storytelling.

Amazon.com: Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest: 9780520239265: Clark, Ella E.: Books
7 Short Campfire Ghost Stories to Make You Scared of the Dark | LoveToKnow
11 Funny Campfire Stories To Tell Next Time You Go Camping – Next LuxuryCampfire Stories (campfirestoriesbook.com)
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