By Theresa “Resa” Leppert
Are you looking for a gift idea for the car enthusiast in your life? Look no further! The Bugs Off Pads cleaning system is a must-have in their car kit!
There is nothing worse than a bug-covered windshield. I’m a Jeep driver. The Jeep Wrangler is like driving a brick – a brick that’s a BUG MAGNET. I’ve tried so many commercial products – sprays and special soaps, and just plain old elbow grease … Nothing worked, until now.
Don Meyns of Awesome Products Corp in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, contacted Girl Camper to see if anyone would like to try his incredible product Bugs Off Pads. I volunteered to try it and received the Bugs Off Easy Reach Kit. This kit contains three of the company’s most popular products:
- The Bugs Off Pads and pad holder
- Brake Dust Eraser
- Better than a Brush scrubber

So easy to use.
This product is so easy to use! The Bugs Off Pads clean gently using just car wash or RV soap and water. (Do NOT use dish soap) You can scrub by hand using the pads, or you can use the pad holder which is designed to attach to a threaded extension pole. The pole and holder are perfect for those of you with a big RV – to reach those high spots on the windshield! Check out this YouTube video to see how easy it is to use.
Look at these results!

When I was younger, I detailed cars for extra money. Bug guts were the bane of my existence. I spent so many hours sitting on a milk crate scrubbing bumpers and grilles and headlights, using sponges and Scotch Brite pads and sprays and soaps. I wish I’d had a product like this. I’d have made so much more money with so much less effort.
Great to use around the house, too.
The products can be used around the home or office, too. I used the pad and holder with water and vinegar to clean our storefront windows. We have a bird’s nest over one side and they leave quite a mess. We like to watch them, though, so we deal with it. The pads took care of that dried on mess with hardly any effort.
You know what else is great about this product? It’s made in the USA. I can’t recommend this product enough! It’s a game changer if you like a clean car.
Connect with me!
Theresa “Resa” Leppert
Guide Manager
Guide, Iowa & Wisconsin
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