Be Ready! Be a “Camping Prepper”

Dec 3, 2021 | 0 comments

What is a “Prepper” and why would you want to be one? The Urban Dictionary describes a Prepper as “A person who is prepared, or striving to be prepared for incident”. In our case, our incident is Camping!! As an old Girl Scout, I’ve always tried to follow the scout motto: “Be prepared”… so this is a good time to put that into practice.

Our world is in quarantine right now and all we want to do is go camping! Until that wonderful day when the national parks, state parks and our favorite private campgrounds are able to open up for us, there is a lot we can do at home to prep for an awesome camping season. Here’s what I’m doing to get ready to camp!

  • Clean your camper, tent, RV, pop-up. My camper has been stored since October and when I brought it home I took everything out and gave it a thorough cleaning. Since my camper is small there wasn’t a lot to do besides wiping down the counters and table, cleaning the floor and washing the insides of the windows. I took out all of the things I had stored inside and washed my linens, dishes and cooking pans then I made the bed! If your camper is larger, you might need to de-winterize when the time comes. After you’ve flushed the tanks and lines it’s a good idea to run 1/4 cup of bleach in a 10-15 gallon fresh water tank through your lines to kill anything that might be growing inside.
  • Take inventory of what you’re carrying around with you. I have a vintage camper, and I love to use fun vintage things to make my camper look and feel cozy. That said, it’s easy for me to keep adding cute things to my camper collection. This year I’ve put my very favorite items in a bin and that’s what will go with me. Some are sentimental things, like my son’s tiny red cowboy boots. My original Girl Scout handbook from the 60’s is in there along with one from the 1940’s. It’s filled with incredible information and makes for good reading.
  • The national parks might be closed, but in Colorado our state parks are still open for hiking, fishing or a cookout with proper social distancing. So, you can visit state parks that you haven’t camped at yet and scope out your favorite campsite. Then, you’ll know what your spot looks like before you head up there for your adventure.
  • Search for new recipes to try. My goal this summer is to use my Dutch oven a lot more so I’ve been searching for recipes that are both yummy looking and easy (re: easy). I’m also planning to use a pie iron for the very first time, so I’m excited about all of the amazing things you can make in one of those. I have found a lot of wonderful recipes shared by our Girl Camper Chef Kate Dunbar on her website and I’ll add the link to the bottom of this article.
  • Plan activities for your time at the campsite. This might include outdoor games, campfires, hikes on the nearby trails, or exploring the small towns that are often near campgrounds and parks. Or maybe you like to hang out and enjoy the solitude of nature when you’re camping. A lot of campers keep journals of their camping trips, so this would be a good time to start yours. Then you can look back through it to see what you did the last time you camped there and add to it on your next trip.

If you take a little time now to prepare, when the time finally comes to camp you’ll be ready to stock your camper with food and your camping clothes and head out on an outdoor adventure. Here’s wishing all of you a healthy and happy 2020 camping season!

Here’s a link to some wonderful recipes to try and a great checklist for cleaning your camper/RV!–10330


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