This is how I organized my camping gear.
I use different gear for different activities and I don’t bring it all along on every trip. I bring dutch ovens and cooking gear if I’m attending a dutch oven cooking contest or planning to cook a specific dish. But, I don’t need to bring them along if I’m not going to be cooking any meals! If I’m camping somewhere near water I might bring my inflatable kayak. I don’t bring it if there is no where to use it. If I’m boondocking I might need my portable generator or extra coolers. I probably wouldn’t need these if I’m plugged in at a campground.
As the Colorado Girl Camper Chapter Guide I also have a lot of extra stuff I may need to bring along like extra tables and canopies, paper products, serving dishes & utensils, coffee makers and bottled water among other things.
The Struggle is Real
My dilemma was where do I store all this extra stuff when I’m not taking it along? I have a huge unfinished basement that I could fit a bowling alley in. But, I don’t like to carry everything up and down the stairs every time I load my truck. With only one shelf in my garage it was not nearly enough room for everything. I had things scattered all over the garage.
I had camping gear piled everywhere! My dutch ovens & cooking supplies Extra stuff that wouldn’t fit on the one shelf
Voila !
My solution was to add two extra shelves and some clear storage bins in the garage. I found the Muscle Rack shelving on sale but quite honestly didn’t realize they were so tall when I ordered them. The shelves fit along one wall of the garage so everything is in one place and can easily be seen through the clear storage containers. I thought about labeling the bins but I will likely condense things into a few bins based on what I need so things will not stay in the same bins all the time. BIG BONUS is that I still have room to park my truck in the garage!
I typically load the extra things I need into the back of my truck before I hook up my camper. This way I can just pick and choose what I want to take based on my planned activities for the trip. After I’ve loaded my truck I can hook up my camper, (if I’m taking it) and be on my way! When I get back home I’ll do it in reverse, unhook the camper then unload the back of my truck. Everything will go back on the shelves until the next trip!

I’m happy with how it turned out and now my chaos is much more organized! What is your favorite gear organizational tip?
Deanne Kelly
Girl Camper Guide – Colorado
Contributing Editor/Writer/Photographer
3783 Golden Eagle Drive
Dacono, CO 80514
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I’ve been thinking about how to organize this week! Thanks for the photos & info
Deanne, I’m very impressed with you!
Thanks for the inspiration!
this is an awesome article deanne, and so many great ideas were shared, thank you!
Hi Deanne, Thanks for a great article & pictures. “The struggle is real” line made my day 🤓