What did I forget this time?

Dec 5, 2021 | 0 comments

If you are like me you forget one thing each time you go camping.  Most of the time I can live without whatever it is, except for this last time.  Horror of horrors, I forgot the French press!  NO COFFEE!!!!! The improvisation kicked into over-drive. It worked so well, I’ve decided to provide a tutorial on the solution.

Supplies needed:

1 plastic water bottle

 Knife or scissors

Paper towel or piece of light weight cotton

A (V) shaped stick or hot dog roasting stick


Coffee mug

Boiling hot water

Step 1.  Cut the plastic bottle 4 to 5 inches from the top making a funnel.

Step 2. Place a paper towel or piece of cloth in the funnel creating a filter. (You could also use a bandana.)

Step 3. Put desired amount of coffee in the filter

Step 4. Place the (V) shaped stick or roasting stick around the bottle to hold over a coffee mug.

Step 5. Pour hot water over the coffee and allow to filter through being careful not to over-fill.

Step 6. Enjoy!

Holly Johnson |Girl Camper Guide Delmarva

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