First, a word about my hot water heater. When I have full hook-ups, I enjoy hot showers in the privacy of my travel trailer. I made a newbie error over the weekend, even though I’m not a newbie. Last time I stayed in my RPod, I forgot to turn the electric hot water heater switch off (outside wall, hot water heater compartment). I probably could have gotten away with the mistake because I turned off the battery power, but on Friday when I was getting set up, I decided to go have dinner with a friend before hooking up the water hose. I had plugged into power. Yep, you guessed it, without water in the tank, I came back to discover I had likely burned out the heating element. No biggie, I can run the hot water heater on propane until I decide to replace that heating element. Dang it, though, I hate it when I do stupid things.
Now, about my new table-top cooler: it was a hot weekend in the valley, and my next temperature-related decision was about staying cool in the evenings when I returned from outings with friends.
Ready for “lift-off”: the RV air conditioner or furnace just kicked on! Quality air conditioning and a good heater are two things I appreciate about my RPod. However, the noise factor can be a bit much inside the tiny space.
In the moderate heat of this past weekend (it was around 80 degrees in the early evening and dropped down throughout the night), I didn’t need my big air conditioner. Instead, I tried out my table-top air cooler for the first time.
This is the cooler I have:
The first thing I noticed about the unit is that it is cute and light weight. It has an easy water fill compartment on the back side. Turn it on, choose fan speed, and – the fun part – choose the color setting.
It doesn’t take much cool air to keep me comfortable, so this unit is the perfect solution for me. I set it on the dinette and placed it so it blew directly toward me. I was at an RV park with full hook-ups, and there was no issue with my breakers for this plug-in unit.
See the cooler in action here:
I set the timer for four hours, which worked out perfectly: the color and white noise helped me fall asleep. It turned off while I was asleep and there was plenty of water left in the compartment after running four hours.
Learn more about this table-top air cooler here:
Similarly, the furnace in my RPod does a terrific job, but it wakes me up when it kicks on. When I’m in an RV park with full hook-ups, I use a plug-in ceramic heater and it does a great job. Keep in mind, my travel trailer is small, so this little unit is all I need. It’s best if you get one with a thermostat, because you don’t have to get out of bed to turn it up or down.

Learn more about the ceramic heater I have:
I can be a happy boon-docker, but I do enjoy full hook-ups and these little appliances provide comfort in my Pod.
Article written by: Catherine Goggia
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