Winter Camping – Camco Heated Water Hose

Oct 30, 2023 | 0 comments

Are you ready for the winter season? I know I am, and the one product that has enabled me to cold weather camp is, The Camco Heated Water Hose. Uniquely designed for use in cold weather conditions and to prevent the water pipes from freezing. I have used the Camco Water Hose for recreational vehicles (RVs), campers, and other outdoor settings where running water is necessary in freezing temperatures


Here Are Some Features:

  • Heated Design: The hose has a built-in heating element that helps keep the water flowing in freezing temperatures. It typically uses electrical power to heat the hose and prevent the water from freezing.
  • Length and Diameter: Camco RV heated water hoses are available in various lengths and diameters to suit different needs. Choosing a hose that fits your specific requirements and the setup of your RV or camping site is essential.
  • Safety Features: Camco incorporates safety features into their RV heated water hoses, a thermostat that automatically turns the heating element on and off to maintain a consistent temperature, helping to prevent overheating and potential damage to the hose.
  • 4. Durability: Camco is known for producing durable and reliable RV accessories. This product will withstand harsh weather conditions and resist kinking, abrasion, and damage caused by UV rays. 


Hooking up was a breeze. I found that the threaded hose connection ensures a tight fit, which helps prevent leakage, Leakage can cause a break in your lines. Keep the thermostat exposed at all times to detect any temperature changes. Doing this will ensure all connections are clear of leaks and your heated hose can function correctly. Using Camco’s heated hoses, the durability to withstand the elements has allowed me to enjoy my extended camping season. 

Remember, it’s always important to check with the Manufacturer’s suggested safety guidelines and instructions when installing a heated water hose to your RV to prevent accidents and ensure optimal performance. With this in mind, purchasing the Camco heated Water Hose has been a positive choice. 

Check out their online store at Camco Outdoors and use coupon code GIRLCAMPER10 for a special discount.

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Stephanie Lemma

Pennsylvania Guide

[email protected]

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