If you are one of those who dream the full time RVing dream, – in technicolor, black and white, on the job and off, you will enjoy meeting Sandy Ellingson, Executive Director of RVWA, the Recreation Vehicle Women’s Alliance.

Sandy Ellingson is the Executive Director of the RV Women’s Alliance

After achieving empty nest status, Sandy, still working full time, and her retired husband, began researching the possibility of full time RVing. There was so much to consider and to do. What type of RV? Travel trailer or motorhome? What travel style? RV Parks or boondocking? Keep a condo or sell it all and pack all of your worldly possessions in an RV?

On today’s show Sandy shares the process of going from dreamer to doer and what she would do differently if she knew then, what she knows now.

At Girl Camper we receive so many letters from full time wannabes and stories like Sandys help to shine some light in the dark places of those dreams and, let us see the realities we may be overlooking. I always enjoy an interview with someone who has gone from home on turf to home on wheels because each story is different and will speak to each of us in a different way.

Sandy and Mark Ellingson, enjoying road life!

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